Sola Roof Guy
This is my personal Wiki and I would like to inspire others to share their experiences that is related to the Sola Roof community and wider Open Eco Community. You can create also a personal Wiki here so that we bring together our collective knowledge and experience to BUILD a future of abundance for all. This a place where we can have conversations and where I will share thoughts and the creative process and I invite your comments and questions - please bring the discussion to my Wiki Blog!
Hello Sola Roof friends,
together we can Heal The World!
Welcome to my personal wiki here at Sola Roof - I hope that we will be building a community here as much as developing sustainable living technology! Please leave a note, say hello or leave your contact details at my Wiki Blog.
Background on my early work as inventor of Sola Roof technology at: Richard Nelson
This is a current paragraph on my life and work:
Richard Nelson is inventor and author of technology and knowhow and as Sola Roof Guy at the Sola Roof Wiki, he has co-created the hub of a global Open Source collaborative. Richard is on life-long mission to create “living structures” including dwellings, as Eco Habitat and a built environment that reconnects people with nature. His CEE system provides for abundant provision of all the essentials of life with the integration of regenerative cycles for food/energy/water. Sola Roof technology, as defined in Richard’s several Patents is dedicated to a Creative Commons Public License (3.0) so as to provide a platform for global collaboration & cooperation that can build a world of abundance for all. His goal at this time is the launch of the Agri POD solution for family food security, health and prosperity. The Agri POD is a co-creative work with POD Pioneers, who are sharing their best-of-kind, accessible, affordable "livingry" to empower individuals/families and collective action (POD Works) “to be the change”. The immediate objective is formation of POD Net to activate a global network of POD Pioneers. Richard is seek 1000 Co-Missioners to join in support of this work "in service to the whole of life". Together, WE have the collective means to the launch a wave of POD Pioneers and to incubate many POD Works hubs around the world. This work values and requires open hearts, synergy and a vision for living in harmony with nature; calling for people to act in faith that a reborn humanKind may thrive (even in our billions) together with all of LIFE, in all of its infinite diversity, beauty and wildness, enabling the healing and recovery of the Earth, while restoring the foundations of health and wellbeing for people everywhere.
Another important initiative that I am working on is DIY Food and my personal general support for the DIY activity of our global community.
Much of my work focuses on exciting activities in Norway and I will share with you the current plans and activity associated with the collaborative consortium now growing in capacity and vision through a series of workshops that have a focus on Rio+20 as a pivotal event of a very critical year of 2012 during which we support the Rio+20 slogan: "making it happen" - meaning that sustainable development reaches the communities that are most in need and who already feel the impact of Dangerous Climate Change. We seek to engage an action plan that is both Gobal and Local - enabling people to become self-reliant through the solutions we offer for regenerative food, energy and water production that is based on a new paradigm of Ecomimicry Architecture for both urban and rural communities.

Contact me at
Skype Name: solaroof
Twitter: @solaroof
Here are some quick links:
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