Sola Roof Community

I would like to see us using this Wiki to get to know each other better and to understand each others goals, projects or project plans and personal vision. You can do this by creating a Personal Space starting with your Profiles Page here so that you can participate in an active exchange with friends and collaborators. You can Team Up? to build the support that you need to implement Sola Roof Projects; together we can change our lives, homes, communities, businesses and build a collectiveWorld Vision that will encourage and support global and local action for Sustainable Living.

At your Profiles Page you can link to:

The following sections of the Wiki are our Open Space for meeting and working together very openly. This balances our work on the Sola Roof Tech with the social development that supports our activities and Core Values. We will develop and share our Community Vision and also build external linkages and associations with movements, organizations and groups that share our World Vision?.

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