Sola Roof Community
I would like to see us using this Wiki to get to know each other better and to understand each others goals, projects or project plans and personal vision. You can do this by creating a Personal Space starting with your Profiles Page here so that you can participate in an active exchange with friends and collaborators. You can Team Up? to build the support that you need to implement Sola Roof Projects; together we can change our lives, homes, communities, businesses and build a collectiveWorld Vision that will encourage and support global and local action for Sustainable Living.
- Sola Roof Members
- List your User Name so that a Profiles Page similar to this is set up - your Profiles/YourName is your unique identity here and you can use your real name FirstLast or a Wiki NickName
At your Profiles Page you can link to:
- your Personal Website
- your Enterprise Website
- Social Enterprise Network
- a portal for encouraging the cooperation between Social Enterprises around the world through the SE Net
- Open Eco Center Network
- a global collaboration among Open Eco Centers? called the OEC Net with the mission of pioneering Eco Living patterns
- Sola Roof Projects - an Index of all Projects
- List your project here (planned, under construction or operational)
- Grass Roots Projects - an Index of Projects supported by or seeking Pay It Forward donations
- Present your project for funding, technical support and encouragment
The following sections of the Wiki are our Open Space for meeting and working together very openly. This balances our work on the Sola Roof Tech with the social development that supports our activities and Core Values. We will develop and share our Community Vision and also build external linkages and associations with movements, organizations and groups that share our World Vision?.
- Gift Economy an economy of communion with new financial mechanisms:
- Pay It Forward use our knowledge base for free but give back to the community by supporting Grass Roots Projects with a voluntary Gift
- Honor Payment is contributed from the for profit users of our knowledge base directly to compensate the IP Contributors, the authors of texts, plans, inventions published here at the Sola Roof Wiki or to the Grass Roots Projects. If an IPContributor has set conditions on the use of specific Intellectual Property then a non exclusive royalty payment will be payable and possibly legally enforceable for the use of the specific IP. If no conditions are set by the IPContributor then the information on this site is generally only subject to the voluntary payments.
- The Open Source and the Creative Commons concepts
- Open Eco Community
- A place for the wider Open Eco Community to network with Sola Roof Members
- Links to our friends and supporters and partners
- Selected Links to resources on the Internet
- Links to real world urban Eco Communities? and rural Eco Villages using Solaroof methods.
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