Open Source

The COOP is committed to the Sola Roof IP framework for Open Source and we dedicate our POD knowhow, IP and information of all nature to the same Creative Commons Public License terms and conditions of use, including: Attribution (to Sola Roof), Share-Alike, and Non-Commercial legal/ethical obligations, where commercial users must register a formal grant of License and are called upon, as a minimum condition to make a 1% Pay It Forward contribution to humanitarian works.

The cooperative business model and the Open Source approach to IP are very compatible and we have faith that the patterns we create for collaborative development and cooperative commercialization will serve us well as a community and will be an example to the world of the power of the new paradigms to emerge within the trusted and well established practices and traditions of the Cooperative Business Model?. We hope to build a new/old path to the future of abundance for all.