Liquid Bubbles
Liquid Bubbles is perhaps not what most people would imagine to be the answer to many of the global challenges that humanity must solve to move onward to a peaceful and prosperous future. However, I propose that we can work with this very simple, very low-tech and freely available solution for an insulation and shading method for transparent roof (and wall) construction. In smaller Sola Roof DIY projects Liquid Bubbles are generated in the Bubble Cavity on each side of a Tunnel Greenhouse.
Liquid Bubbles are not stable, and over a couple to few hours a Bubble Cavity in the roof/wall will dissipate, with the bubbles collapsing back to liquid - which is the Soap Solution used to generate Liquid Bubbles. They are small closed cells with thin liquid walls formed by the surface tension that is possible when we use soap mixed with water. The property of water to form thin surfaces that are "structural" is based on the action of a surfactant to allow the polarized water molecules to align and form thin sheets. The Liquid Bubbles are dynamic in the Sola Roof method, which uses light, high expansion Bubble Generators located within the Bubble Cavity and which establish a Bubble Flow Path. Find out more about how we work with Liquid Bubbles at the Bubble Tech section of the Wiki (and please contribute your experience and add to our knowledge base of best practices).
We need much more input to bubble chemistry and bubble physics so that there can be better engineering design of Liquid Bubble? systems to control properties of conductivity and solar & thermal radiation transmission/absorption spectrum.
I invite the help of researchers from University and Industry who can contribute to our Open Source knowledge base. Please join the team!