Creative Commons

The Creative Commons is a pool of knowhow and IP that is combined with shared experience and wisdom that is captured (documented) in our collective database and Wiki knowledge base, which may include several expert systems that the community can consult and also create and inform. The Creative Commons is a grassroots and "base of the pyramid" resource that not only includes documentation and both reference and dynamic information but also the live feeds and feedback and teaching/learning systems. The Creative Commons is also a social network and collaboration/communication tool for personal and community transformation. Such transformations at the local level will result in global transformation and paradigm shift.

The Creative Commons is supported by our dedication of all the above mentioned dynamic content and complexity to the Creative Commons Public License, as described at our Wiki Authoring License page. The idea is that while we may all contribute to the Creative Commons we will receive by far much more than our contribution. This is the principle that when giving we are creating abundance for all. This relates to the concept of the Gift Economy.