Hi Jim, hope you have had a wonderful Christmas. I am really excited about making a beginning on establishing a Drupal Portal for solaroof.org and getting our Wiki integrated with what will become a more friendly and interactive community website. I was looking at my Sola Roof Guy? page and I noticed that the Calendar link is to the my old Blog and my current Wiki Blog is using a different Calendar that is working with the Sola Roof Guy sub wiki. Can you change the Calendar link at my Profiles Page to go to the Sola Roof Guy Calendar?
I was referred to Forum4theFuture who are looking at the same kind of collaborative innovation to come up with answers to the combined Global Challenges of food + energy + finance. I noted that their site is a Drupal website created by New Digital Partnership and I wonder if they might be able to help us with our community portal development.
Reply from Jim: Looks like we use http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/WikiCalendar
I'll take a look