Hi Øystein,
I am staying longer in Montreal since I am determined to get the DIY Food project moving in Canada & USA before I leave for Norway. I am also anxious to get to Norway again - now that should be by about the 24th of June. Then I will want to have a productive visit and see both the commercial development and the non-commercial activity make big progress in Norway.
Perhaps your think tank can help with the DIY Food and start a group in Norway that would campaign for this goal. We can live in a Sola Roof greenhouse structure as a step towards a new paradigm in home design. The DIY Kit is very low cost and we can all collaborate to develop the best specifications and materials. The Sola Roof method of construction enables a very effective use of solar energy and ambient cooling. The cooling aspect is not so important in Norway, but it is the same system that also captures solar thermal on sunny winter days - therefore you still need to implement this system.
Would you like to help by building a DIY Food project? If you need a site, then I perhaps you can offer some help to Elin, who intends to build a greenhouse as a temporary or transitional home and greenhouse. This must get done this summer so that the example can inspire others to action. DIY Food must become a global movement rapidly since a Food crisis is coming and individuals should have a way to assure personal food security.
The DIY action is encouraged under my Open Source initiative to provide free access and use of Sola Roof technology for personal, family and community use that enables everyone to "grow your own" food continuously in any climate and to be self-reliant producers of nutritious food, pure water and clean energy.
Thank you for your interest in Sola Roof and I hope that this might lead to the construction of at least one DIY Food project this summer in Norway.
Grow you own with DIY Food, Sola Roof Guy
Thanks Tom - I am pleased that you would like to see me and catch up on my activities. The solar greenhouse technology that I call Sola Roof is now very well positioned for a breakthrough in Canada/USA and I see that coming by way of the DIY sector - I have dedicated my innovations and know-how into a Creative Commons Public License so that we can create a global collaborative that will provide Open Source knowledge to all the DIY members of the internet based community. There are currently over 900 members who are interested to build backyard projects, family farm projects and community based social enterprise developments. All this activity comes under the "grow your own" food movement that I would like to inspire: a DIY Food Campaign and associated humanitarian Pay It Forward projects.
I look forward to talking with you about my objective to push for more DIY activity. What will really make the difference is more projects implemented and I have the objective of supporting implementation of several projects this summer, starting with one in my own backyard. I will be in touch again closer to the 14th (which looks good for me) to confirm.