The Big Green Gathering is happening at Glastonbury festival grounds on 3rd to 7th August and I am giving a workshop on Friday 5th on Sola Roof at 10 am for one hour.
Here is some program info:
from:http://www.big-green-gathering.com/attractions.php Wednesday will feature campaigners for indigenous peoples, from Columbia to the Travellers of the UK. There will also be a review of the last 20 years since the 'Battle of the Beanfield'.
Thursday will consider the impact of Climate Change and presentations about the possibilities of sustainable communities. Speakers will include Simon Fairlie and campaigners from FOE and the Earthship.
Friday will examine Green Energy and the impact on society of current energy and technology policies.
Saturday will cover a range of social issues. Highlights will be a workshop by Peter Tatchell, considering whether 'Red is the new Green' and Paul Ingram - 'A Green Response to the War on Terror'
Sunday will focus on Green Futures, including Peter Tatchell on new tactics for the Green Party and Chris Philpott on Green Spirituality. Any and all at the BGG will also have the chance to ask 'Any BGG Questions', of one or more BGG Directors in the afternoon - your chance for interactive feedback!
If there is a Green campaign or issue that interests you, it will be found in the Campaigns field and / or at the Green Forum. So come and share your views at the Green Forum.
Watch this space, the programme and even the Forum sign board for more complete Speaker listings. And if there is an issue you are passionate about, not represented - there is always room for one more!
Steve Muggeridge