The COOP will produce a Open Standard for production of all key components of the POD Kit and will then seek to establish an Open Manufacturing network, which are enterprise that are willing to work with the COOP to establish supply to our COOP Members at a wholesale price. View, download or print: a Google Docs presentation about the DIY Tunnel Greenhouse

The key step in this process is to produce a Production Model? as a guide to finalizing the manufacturing specification. The Prodction Model? will be shown at the Alpha Site, which will be the open and accessible launch location. Then 10 Demonstration Projects at the Beta Sites will be produced and must be field tested for further feedback and thereafter the Open Standard? will be realeased for production. Mass production will follow with the fabrication localized as far as possible, provided there are clusters of COOP Members that will generate the volume of sales of DIY Kit in a region as will support the local manufacturing. Some of the local manufacturing can be an activity of lead Enterprise Members who will perhaps assemble key components.

Our designs and specifications for all stages of work will be shared here for purpose of maximum input and improvement in our concept for the "ideal" backyard design to guide DIY Food Projects. We will use drawing files, photos and video (YouTube) to maximize the collaborative benefits with the global Sola Roof community and especially the COOP Members and Enterprise Members.

Since we are a collaborative community with many capable user and developer members the Open Standard? for the backyard projects (in supply from the COOP) is not intended to limit in any way the imagination and variation of possible Sola Roof greenhouse design. All will be welcome to publish their personal solution and design details at the Sola Roof DIY Web Portal? as soon as it is online. Sharing experience and best practices is what will give huge depth to the community and provide support to users, whatever their circumstance, wherever they are in the world.