This is a page for Sola Roof members to keep connected with URGENT Cause, which has a Facebook Cause community here:
The URGENT website is here:
The URGENT Project is a group of engineers and technology professionals from a variety of disciplines who donate their time, resources and expertise to addressing the fundamental problems of basic, human survival and dignity that profit driven companies ignore.
We do not create products but solutions that are generic, manufacturer-independent and easily reproduced anywhere. It is our goal to empower people with technology, not profit from their problems.
In fact, we do not profit from our solutions at all. Instead we offer them free to the public, publishing technical documents on our website and granting free license to manufacture our technology to qualified partners, provided they are sold at cost or donated to those in need.
At URGENT we seek to address real Universal problems by creating Reusable, Generic, Environmentally-Neutral T echnologies for everyone.
For more information on our projects, or to become a member, please email us or find us on facebook.