Hangouts On Air
To find and view our #SolaRoof #hangoutsonair, I have just found a very helpful YouTube video that shows clearly how to "tune-in" the live streaming #hangoutsonair; here it is:
Now you need key hashtags (keywords or the "name" of the hangout) - I am consistently using #SolaRoof #hangoutsonair and also providing a unique name: FEED The World. During this week and the next couple weeks search for FEED The World (FEED = Food+Energy Eco Dynamics).
The previous names of our #hangoutsonair are "Livingry or Weaponry" and "Ecomimicry Architecture" and all of these sessions have been recorded (the live streaming is recorded and archived automatically) and can be viewed at - you can watch them any time. This way people who participate can catch up with the discussion and also see where the discussion goes in following sessions. I am anticipating that the discussions will go from awareness to engagement to action, since the purpose is mobilize community and transform/activate individuals and family.
I will do my best to be consistent with the schedule for the Hangouts On Air - the time time to "tune-in" will be:
Monday 3pm; Wednesday 9am; Friday noon - all on EST which is NY time zone - minus 5hrs GMT
For the next couple weeks, we will continue the #SolaRoof #hangoutsonair on the same topic with the name: FEED The World
We will work from this global action plan to the local Countries, Bio-Regions, and local communities (like Athens OH) - this week we plan to connect with a collaborator in Egypt, Rita Westvik and the following week we will connect with Franz Nahrada, in Austria, and then the following week Gien Varney-Wong, in South Africa. We will connect with individuals and groups who are inspired to be POD Pioneers - sharing the work of co-creation of our Creative Commons solution the POD Kit for local, regenerative food/water/energy everywhere; for family food security and birthing of resilient communities everywhere.
Anyone can view the live stream and the archived video at the SolaRoof channel on YouTube. But to join the hangout and participate you need to have a Google account, and due to the provision of such excellent "free" communication/collaboration feature, as Hangouts and the "on-air" service, we will recommend this working relationship with Google for the many benefits it can bring to our Creative Commons community.
Thank you, everyone who takes an interest to view, to participate and to take action at home or in the community where you live. Please share this message with family, friends and networks. Our goal is to go viral with the POD solution for local, regenerative food/water/energy. Share the good news, together WE will build a future of abundance for all!
Peace and blessing, Richard
PS: this message is posted at: