Earth Quest 2012
David, dear brother in Christ,
Thank you for connecting me with Aurora. For me, this introduction is so timely, because I have decided to now dedicate much of my time to build up our Open Source community of users of Sola Roof technology. The Open Source direction is a new paradigm to enable an ethical sharing of know-how and experience across a global community: from Global to Local.
Some of the Sola Roof Members are DI Yers (Do It Yourself'ers) and they are pioneering the direct, low-cost, least complex and most accessible methods to implement the inventions and innovations that are described as "Sola Roof". I would now like to make a big push to enable a vast number of individuals, families and communities to become self-reliant for food, water and energy. Food is the key goal and we call this a "grow your own" movement. The purpose of the Sola Roof global community is to provide our members very advanced tools and knowledge enabling people everywhere to grow your own food. This is the DIY spirit (Do It Yourself) that is so strong in the USA and I am confident that now is the time to establish a DIY Food campaign and associated DIY Food Challenge. The DI Yers and the DIY Kit suppliers are all challenged to support the planting of Pay It Forward humanitarian DIY Food projects.
The humanitarian DIY Food projects are the same kind of grow your own food projects that our members will build in the back yards and on family farms all over the USA and throughout the industrialized world. In both cases what is enabled is local, secure and sustainable food production that is continuous and produces abundantly very nutritious food including vegetables and fruit, fish and shrimp and Algae. The fresh algae is used as a food supplement but is also harvested for feed for fish and nutrients for plant growth.
The sustainable living skills required to operate the DIY Food projects are low-tech and have a simplicity that is accessible to everyone. Neighbors can teach neighbors and volunteer DI Yers can travel to teach at the humanitarian projects where skills must be transferred to build community self-reliance. Therefore, the DIY Kit and methods with thousands or millions of users would be robust and rugged, low-maintenance and self-sustaining. The DIY Kit cost will be the least as DIY ingenuity and deep experience can manage and because the users are "in control" of the technology the needed materials will be produced in volume and would be produced as generic commodities.
Aurora, in you business plan you have talked about taking well being health and stress reduction to new levels of effectiveness by giving ordinary people tools that they use to get past talk and get to transformative action. I see DIY Food as a most important tool that will become as important as the PC - having a direct impact on an important sector of society who pioneer the new trends that will deliver solid social progress and real solutions to global problems by sifting the solution to the hands of people. By localizing, diffusing and distributing technical and knowledge based solutions we can begin to build a new solid foundation under society.
Not only is this DIY Food campaign very progressive, it is also important to secure safety and security in a world where the essential requirements for life support is becoming more and more fragile and toxic. In light of a wide consensus that we need deep personal and social transformation or suffer consequences that can be extreme and deadly, then I find the strategy of bringing DIY Food under the banner of Earth 2012 to be a great way to associate Sola Roof and DIY Food (and the humanitarian DIY Food Challenge) with a movement that seeks to enable everyone to not only understand paradigm shift but to actually undergo personal, experiential life change that is enabled by new tools, systems and knowledge.
Aurora, and old friends our initiatives need to draw in much investment and I believe that success with this goal is inevitable if we simply communicate and collaborate. The needs of the Sola Roof DIY Food campaign can be easily met by our DI Yers and they will snowball this movement by adopting the Pay It Forward challenge. Then a wider sector of society will be inspired to participate. The internet will propel the DIY Food initiative to become a global movement and I would love to see synergy with your Earth 2012 growth and learning series comprising the release of tools in various media for guided action to accomplish deep paradigm shift.
The question I have is how can Aurora help me and I help her and I know we can count on support and pro-active participation by Dave and Paul.
Regards, Richard (Sola Roof Guy)