Dear friends of Sola Roof thank you for giving us a LIKE at our SolaRoofCoop page at Facebook! Starting today, I will begin a series of Sola Roof Hangouts - Monday afternoon 3 pm EST, Wednesday morning 9 am EST and Friday noon EST. Each week on a theme to be announced, with the discussions each week progressing from awareness to engagement to action. On this Monday, the first of our Google Hangouts will focus on the the theme of Livingry Or Weaponry. Let me know - if you or some of your friends in your networks would like to join the #SolaRoof Hangouts that will livestream from YouTube/solaroof in the coming weeks. I will begin a Twitter feed at #SolaRoof in support of the livestreaming, to provide another channel for feedback from those who tune in. Each week a theme will be announced, with the discussions each week progressing from awareness to engagement to action. This week, the first of our Google Hangouts will focus on the topic of "Livingry or Weaponry", a Bucky Fuller idea. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/livingry

‘Indigene’ (Latin = ‘self-generating’) + 'Community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift or service') 'Indigène' (Latine = 'généré du soi') + 'Communauté' (Latine 'com' = 'ensemble' + 'munus' = 'cadeau ou service') Indigene Community www.indigenecommunity.info Communauté Indigène

'Akwe:kon' Mohawk = 'All of us', Coalition for Gun Control / Coalition pour le contrôle des armes, Richard Nelson,

RE: Livingry or Weaponry. Monday 4th Feb. 15h, Google Hangout Here's an article on our website, 'The Right to Bare Arms', which may provide some tools for the Hangout.

With the Sandy-Hook Elementary School SHES massacre just having happened, gun control in the USA & Canada is once again before us as a society. All those concerned (myself included) are lined up in our almost typecast roles. We continue to negatively frame this human issue as 'stopping-violence' rather than a positive framework of 'building-relations'. I'm personally in favour of gun control, so much as to be personally uncomfortable around all guns of all forms all of the time. Still I know that controlling others does not get the discussion & constructive action going as far as it needs to go. Locked into their fears, conservatives react in alarm to the notion of disarming even going into buying frenzies. Yet if we reframe the issue in terms of building partnerships for helping everyone invest-in & include often excluded individuals in developing & expansion of enterprise business, conservative ears perk up. The Right to 'bare' arms RTBA is a play on the more common 'Right to bear arms'. RTBA is based in unifying human traditions of 'rolling-up-our-sleeves' in mutual-aid through a host of economic & relational tools. RTBA is meant to go deeper than traditional left-right politics to give us cause to work together proactively. Rather than depending upon government action, RTBA starts with individuals, families, businesses & neighbourhoods as the foundation of what government will do. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/9-right-to-bare-arms In association with RTBA our neighbourhood software development for 'Do-we-know-who-we-are-?' as on line Human Resource Catalogue HRC, mapping & Community Investment & Exchange System is on track with the leadership of Alain Farmer, Drupal software & website developer, Jahnavi Ramakrishnan, Community Economic Development intern, Stephen Wei mobile apps developer & myself as well as subsequent contributions from another fifteen team members are ready to get this up & running. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

In economic inclusion & welcome, your feedback is most welcome,

Douglas Jack, coordonnateur, Indigene Community, Jardins-LaSalle-Gardens Mutual Aid Committee, Maison de / Home of Dialogue, 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle-Montreal (Kahnawake-north), Quebec H8R 1X9, Canada 514-365-9594 eco-montreal@mcgill.ca douglasf.jack@gmail.com Skype: douglas.jack4