Dear Sola Roof friends, I will be visiting at greenfire Earth Regeneration Center, at Greenfire Farm near Athens, Ohio for the next few weeks. Our extended greenfire/SolaRoof team is nearing completion of the POD Prototype - which will lead soon to availability of the POD Kit - this Open Source technology will enable families and micro-enterprise to build POD projects.
We invite the first POD Pioneers to join with us to replicate the POD solution widely and rapidly diffusing the know how for a successful small scale Sola Roof design. Our goal is to enable year-around, local, fresh and organic food everywhere - in every community. Thereby to rebuild community and plant the seeds of regenerative food/water/energy; establishing self-reliant living; co-creating resilient communities that can adjust and adapt to "end-of-oil" and the disruptions of dangerous climate change.
There is no time to loose - there is no time like the present - we must build awareness - encourage engagement and enable action. Our goal is to work with 350.ORG to establish a minimum of 350 POD Works teams for 12.12.12
Please see the invitation below from Richard Hogan! Join us on-site or by internet (YouTube/SolaRoof) will live stream Google+ Hangouts) on September 22nd as we celebrate our work, our success and share the vision! Autumn Equinox 2012 is the kick-off of our 350 POD Works campaign - together we can build a future of abundance.
Richard Nelson (Sola Roof Guy)
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From: R.E. Hogan <greenfirecenter@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:38 PM Subject: greenfire invite ~ fall equinox gathering 2012 To:
Dear Friends,
As we all deeply center and further honor wholeness, peace, and open up to source, the powers of the universe..., We are empowered toward living a new dream and story, A New We and a New Culture. As the imaginal cells in the catarpillar rise up to create the new being, the butterfly..., we are all invited to become the new earth family together, at Home healing one another and Mother Earth.
“The cosmological powers of the Universe are coursing through us moment by moment. To become aware of these powers is to touch the source of life,” ~Brian Swimme
Gather with us in this new~ancient, forest garden community, for fall equinox/birth 2012 celebration and conversation as emergent blessed earth community, this coming Saturday September 22 from 4 pm on through the evening. Potluck at 6. Sola Roof regen~greenhouse, permaculture center/watershed/foodshed/bioregional, energy, regeneration intro~tour and demonstration at 4. Potluck at 6. Bring your favorite instrument for joyful vibes around the evening fire circle. Bring your deep openness as we further recognize, affirm and continue to co-create the future we all want and need!
These links bellow will be helpful toward further creating~releasing the life and future that is possible, and is ours to birth. Suggested reading and meditation: Towards A New Culture From Refusal To Re-Creation Outline Of An Ecological And Humane Alternative, by Dieter Duhm available at www.verlag-meiga.org as a free downloadable pdf or in bookstores, 2 days out. Welcome to greenfire~Sola Roof~Birth 2012...., Bring your best gifts and inspirations for all to share.
Blessings for Mother Earth, greenfire biotope~greenfire gardens~community gathering richard hogan and extended family and friends 2767 State Route 56 New Marshfield, Ohio, 45766 7.3 mi west on 56 from the Hocking River, on the left. 740-664-4028 Birth 2012
Sola Roof.org
The Kabarak Call for Peace and Eco Justice?
The Pachamama Alliance Community www.pachamama.org/ Center for The Story of the Universe
Tamera Healing Biotope 1 tamera.org
Sustainable Earth 2020, 2020 Fund
~Friends Committee on Unity with Nature~Quaker Earthcare Witness
greenfirefarm.org ,....
“We, the peoples and nations of Earth: considering that we are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny…”
- from the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
“Every component of the Earth Community has three rights: —The Right To Be, —The Right to Habitat, —The Right to fulfill its role in the ever-renewing processes of the earth community.”
– Thomas Berry