Pretty Cool Rick, Thanks - I started a discussion on O.Net in the Sustainable_Living Group called Community Environmental Enhancement Plans. It is looking at a political alliance of existing groups to get local governments involved in environmental enhancement. I am working on the vision that we want to promote and I think that starts with clean water. I wonder if you want to contribute how a solaroof structure and algae production could contribute to new generation waste water treatment plants. David
On another front, I was reading your Tsumani Relief section. You should check out this site that I ran across in my research today: http://www.rmi.org/sitepages/pid244.php The Rocky Mountain Institute is working with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on designs for better refugee camps. Maybe the Eco Sphere has a place there.
I think this is the document your post was referring to? I read through some of it and plan to revisit this document further. Thank you for posting this subject! Usa2k
Also a good article http://old.rmi.org/images/PDFs/Communities/ER03-18_FrmwkCommSus.pdf
Look here for others: http://old.rmi.org/sitepages/pid177.php