Rita Westvik
Rita Westvik has a broad background from media (NRK, TV 3?, radiOrakel), politics (political adviser to the Gro Harlem Brundtland Government) and R&D (10 years as a senior adviser in SINTEF Technology and society).
Westvik holds a bachelor degree in social work and finished the Master programme “Scenarios, foresight and strategy” at Norwegian School of Management in 2008. She was founder of Futurama AS 2000 and President of The Polytechnic Society in Oslo 2005-2007.
Her last major engagements are a social impact study in Papua New Guinea and an urban tourism project with focus on culture, new media and green solutions. see http://urbanturisme.no/?p=1 (only in Norwegian).
Westvik has designed and hosted several conferences in the field of innovation and societal implications of accelerating technologies. She is dedicated to understanding change processes, social competence, cross disciplinary dialogue, innovation in public and private sector, knowledge management, CSR, North-South cooperation with emphasis on sustainable food/energy production and futures studies.
Rita Westvik has her own company; Westvik foresight, innovation and communication. She also works as a facilitator in Memetor. www.memetor.com
She holds a special interest in understanding our dreaming mind and have launched the book VIA REGIA - see English brief summary here http://www.viaregia.no/?page_id=467 - and here Westvik's presentation at The International Dram Conference in Amsterdam 2011 http://www.viaregia.no/Workshop%20Amsterdam.pdf