Moeen Yaseen
Moeen Yaseen, the convenor and Managing Director of Global Vision 2000 is a leading independent Muslim visionary and catalyst with a track record of 20 years experience in Islamic thought and action in the UK. His career spans the worlds of education, journalism, public relations, public affairs, advertising and marketing. Global Vision 2000 is a multilevel organisation with two arms. It has been focussed on developing an independent, international Islamic think tank which has taken a new urgency in lieu of the events of 9/11 and thereafter which has placed both Islam and Muslims globally at the centre of a maelstorm now and in the forseeable future. Much effort has gone into developing an Islamic Manifesto for the 21st century. This is envisaged to be incorporated as the Global Vision 2000 Foundation.
The other arm as Global Vision 2000 Ltd is now engaged in business events and activities which are focussed on developing and promoting a new paradigm. The objective is to act as a catalyst facilitating the evolution of global human consciousness by an Universal transcendental Islamic vision underpinning a global Islamic renaissance.
Currently Moeen is challenging the experts, practitioners and business communities to come together to collaborate in charting viable alternatives and counter the seductive power of the debt based interest bearing system underpinning global capitalist society. He is a proponent of ethical and Islamic alternatives in finance, business, trade and technology and reminds us all to rediscover and renew forgotten ethical and Islamic business and trading principles. He emphasises the urgent need to develop a community of collaboration and challenges Muslims to cooperate with non-Muslims working globally in this enterprise. He has stated that the recent Global Vision 2000 International Islamic Business Event in London has lived up to being, “the independent international Islamic business event of 2004 charting out new directions in the evolution of a universal usury free and ethical financial and business paradigm.”