Hi everyone!
I am from Rigaud, Québec, Canada I stumbled upon the Sola Roof website not so long ago and it has since opened up a thousand possibilities in my mind. I actually had a hard time falling asleep for 3 days folowing the discovery of the site. This new technology will make growing local food year round much more accessible to everyone who is interested in doing so. And for the fact that this info is open source I tip my whide brimed hat to you Mr Nelson!
I am a rare and exotic fruit tree collector/ breeder and I have been working for 10 years as a graduate horticulturalist but have enjoyed playing in the garden ever since I was a young kid. I have also managed a rare and exotic perenial greenhouse for 1 year. I have since developed for my personal use 3d permaculture/squarefoot gardening inspired planting scheemes to minimize the space used in my garden at home for maximum efficiency. I think that by combining aquaculture,permaculture and Sola Roof technology we can manage a suprizingly productive biopod which I hope will keep me supplied with fresh greenery year round.
Welcome J-R, I would like to get some friends of Sola Roof together for a gathering - we can do this on the internet or if possible a Meet Up? (or both) - since I am now spending more time in Montreal these days - Sola Roof Guy