
Real name: Chris Watkins.

Location: Sydney, Australia, but planning to spend more time in South-East and South Asia.

Area of interest & expertise: Water and sanitation engineer, but also with an interest in renewable energy and all things related to sustainability and development.

I'm mainly active at Appropedia, a sustainability, appropriate technology and international development wiki which is starting to really take off. I've noticed there's some really interesting stuff here which complements what's happening at Appropedia, and I'm wondering if the two wikis could work together for more synergy. WikiGreen has just merged with Appropedia. Prior to that, two smaller wikis have already merged with Appropedia (including my own) after negotiation about scope and policies. See The Wiki Synergy Project for more reasoning on why merging is a good idea.

Of course we'd have to discuss how to maintain the distinctiveness of the "Sola Roof" name - I've got a few ideas about that (such as portals, template notices and probably a "supporters" box on the front page - just ideas at this point.)

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your participation. I will get back to you with my thoughts and I just need some time through the weekend to do some reading - looking at the other wiki and composing my feedback. Welcome - Sola Roof Guy

Thanks. Btw, Wiki Green? has just merged with Appropedia in the last few days. Exciting stuff - we've suddenly got a lot more content, more contributors in one place, more synergy, and more ways of connecting with the broader community of eco-minded people. --Chriswaterguy January 07, 2007, at 11:12 PM