Hi Bobby, just a note that we need a customized group Side Bar. You can copy (from the edit window) a standard format sidebar from: Side Bar; then paste and edit it in our group Side Bar edit window. Change the GroupName/ to OpenEcoCommunity/ wherever it appears in the Sidebar text.

Also, give a try at a text for the Home Page - a starting point for the insiders; the homepage for the people who join this group and participate - ideas to get them started - an invitation for new team members (provide yours or my email) to become active in this group and see where they can participate.

The Open Eco Community page is the Start Page for most visitors (public) and members who see the our Group Name link (Open Eco Community) somewhere in other groups and sections of the Sola Roof wiki. So it is a place to engage with them and say somethings (outline key concepts with links to introductory pages) that will motivate them to read more and possibly consider joining our team.

We could also have a Welcome? page that would be a first page for visitors to go to see if they feel at home here. This page should express our values; with the key ideas presented with links to pages that present more depth of knowledge - like the Open Design page.

I like the Open Design page very much - Sola Roof Guy