Friends, this is a place where we can all contribute and collaborate on the content that would be needed for the formal website. For example what text would we use on the Welcome page here? You can edit any of the pages and we can all comment or suggest changes. What would we say on the About Eco Shelter page? Take a stab at it!
The technical team will use the Tech Dev section to develop our technical specifications - while the business team can brainstorm and build relationships with our network of support and the NGO community.
We can report on meetings using this Group Blog and everyone can contribute to this reporting activity - such Blog pages should use the category script [[!EcoShelterMeetings]] on the Blog page so that we will have an easy to use list of all meeting reports. The Calendar function can also be used for planning ahead for meetings in the future - again these Blog (dated pages) should use the [[!EcoShelterMeetings]] on the pages concerned. We can also have an category of [=[[!EcoShelterEvents]] scrip on the page to plan or report on Events that are planned for a specific date. - Sola Roof Guy