Please post reports and notes (comments as well) about our meeting on this day at the Hub. Everyone is welcome to contribute. This page will be listed under the Catagory EcoShelterMeetings.

Reports on this day's meeting at the Hub

email from Roy Martin:

Good day people

Please print this email and/or keep it in a place that it will not get lost with all our other junk or 'to do later' files!

It was good to meet up with you on Tuesday, put names to faces and see new people. I be holding the space as the project facilitator and assisting to coordinate the various developmental stages/groups either until we get a paid project manager or the baby is born!

There are a number of things which I would like to sort out and put down some group and project guides so we all know who's doing what and by when etc. Well, that's the general idea and it will only work with everyone's cooperation, willingness and personal action.

1) Can you all please check the email addresses below and add your personal telephone numbers, any names and return it to me. Action - by Monday 16th Jan.

Anne Wirstad annewirstad@yahoo.com>

B Watts b.watts@maxfordham.com

Gareth Strangemore-Jones gareth@camaignpromotions.org

James Wallace james@omniworldview.com 0207 661 9682, 07881 912 192

James Wong jw@fbmarchitects.com 0207 251 0543, 07771 790 168

Mark Langdon mark.langdon@btinternet.com

Paul Bayley paulbayley@postmaster.co.uk

Peter Ballard peterballard@genuspharma.com 01635 568410

Ray Murray raymurray888@yahoo.co.uk 0034950 066053 (Spain), 07798 943930 (UK mob)

Rick Nelson solaroof@yahoo.com 07985 193731

Roy Martin roymartin@zetnet.co.uk 01212415624, 07976643534

Scott Nelson scott.nelson@dewmac.com

2) Every time you send an email to one/all of the group put Eco Shelter in the subject box before your heading. In this way we will know straight away it is from the group and we can stop our junk mail filters from deleting your wonderful words of wisdom.

3) Send me a brief biography on yourself, what you do, what you would like to do within this project and anything else you would like to put. Action - to me by Friday 20th Jan. Our details will be put on the a website once it is up and we will be able to put information/ plans/comments for all to see. I will inform the group when it is available. In the mean time I suggest we create sub email lists:

Tech Team (Email subject heading, Eco Shelter Tech Team - ..............) Business team (Email subject heading, Eco Shelter Bus Team - ..............)

The business team currently includes James Wallace, Roy Martin, Ray Murray and Gareth Strangemore-Jones. The rest are the Tech Team, I think - am I correct? I suggest that someone from the Tech Team takes responsibility and maintains all the Technical information for the project.

4) Until we have the website to communicate through please put me down as cc in the emails which you send out informing the team/people of meetings only. If arranging a meeting via email ask for each person to acknowledge their attendance or not. Also, be realistic about arranging short notice meets and take responsibility ensuring everyone who needs to be at the meeting has all the relevant information prior, venues, directions and times. This sounds like mother and eggs but we need reminding sometimes!

5) When any team or a few individuals meet can you please send me the following immediately after:

    a) What was decided at the meeting? (just a few words on each)
    b) What actions are going to be taken? (just a few words on each)
    c) Who is responsible for what action? (name/s)
    d) When are they going to be actioned by? (be realistic with dates)
    e) Who was at the meeting?
    f) Date, time and venue of next meeting? (may not always apply)

Please remember to do these six things for every meeting so we make sure the project flows. I suggest before every meeting a person volunteers and takes responsibility to compile the above (a to f) and forward them to me no longer than two days after the meeting.

6) Please keep a monthly record of your expenses/time and donations in kind. As the project gets appropriate funding these will be paid as discussed. You may wish to only ask for some expenses and donate your time to the project (Maybe Gareth can highlight the options to the group). Can you send me your expenses/time involvement. Action - sent to me by 3rd of every month. (total time including any as a donation in kind (its value) and a break down of financial expenses with a total).

Things to consider:

  • Please don't get precious about information/ideas, look at the bigger picture and share
  • Communicate to people including frustrations or concerns, as well as your fab ideas.
  • Don't take information for granted, get it out there to the group/people.
  • Also, share the project with anyone who will listen and who may want to contribute (in-kind and with money or ideas).
  • Have fun

Have I missed anything? Just let me know.

Enjoy the journey and lets make this happen.



Roy Martin The Joy for Life Company 1a Roughley Drive Sutton Coldfield West Midlands United Kingdom B75 6PW Office: +44 (0) 121 241 5624 Mobile: +44 (0) 7976 643534 www.thejoyforlifecompany.co.uk