Eco Cabin
Eco Living demonstrations are being planned in Norway, the UK and the USA. They are at varying stages of development.
Sites in several other countries are also being considered. These sites serve several purposes including the following:
- Showing the concepts at work in a full scale operational setting,
- Providing an updated set of performance information, and
- Providing a practical teaching opportunity for students and their teachers, and
- Being a test location for new and improved Eco Living components
The initial Eco Living configuration is the Eco Cabin that provides space for one bed and personal living space. A group of Eco Cabins? can be built together to serve as a camp, or base for students to learn by experience and full immersion.
One of the potential UK sites is on the Dartington Hall Estate that has been engaged in progressive and experimental education for many years and has founded, inter alia, Schumacher College. The College is internationally renowned for transformational learning for sustainable living and the 1200 acre Estate (with over 600,000 visitors per year) provides an opportunity to observe the Eco Living system applied to buildings, energy and agriculture.
Eco Cabins? function efficiently even in very cold climates. This will be demonstrated in Norway, initially with a single Eco Cabin with the potential for expansion.
Eco Living technology will also be demonstrated in the United States. Several sites are being considered including ones in near San Fransisco,New Orleans and in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Arizona. Several considerations are being taken into consideration in this site selection including building codes and local regulations. Depending on the existing regulations and the variances permitted, a site in Pennsylvania has agreed to be used to demonstrate a range of Eco Living modules that can be used to retrofit and “ordinary” house.
The Eco Cabins? demonstration sites also serve as a test place for new and improved Eco Living components. While the system is based on science that is robust, the technical operation is engineering, and only good engineering provides the reliability essential for sustained success.